Updated: November 23, 2012


   After a great success of the First World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM11plus), held in 2011 in Seoul, Korea, the Second ASEM13 will be held on 8-12 September 2013 in Jeju Island in Korea. As the "ASEM13" Congress will combine 7-8 International Conferences into a single event, it will create an excellent opportunity for the participants to be provided with a greater variety of topics and to promote discussions on the issues of the future developments in the allied fields. Thus the congress will be a premier international forum that brings together academics and practicing engineers to exchange frontier research results and emerging technologies in the broad topics of Structural Engineering and Mechanics. You are cordially invited to attend this interesting event.

The ASEM13 congress consists of the following 2013 International Conferences on;

Innovative Structural Engineering & Mechanics (ISEM) (1999, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2011)(Title Changed Slightly)
Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS) (2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011)
Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (CTCS) (2009, 2011)
Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM)  (2010, 2011)
Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS)(2011))
Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS)(2011)
Ocean System Engineering (ICOSE)(2011)

Important Dates

The congress will be held during 8-12 September, 2013. Other important dates are:

March 31, 2013             Submission of abstracts
May 31, 2013                Submission of conference papers
June 22, 2013               Notification of final acceptance
June 30, 2013                     Last day for Pre-Registration (for inclusion of paper in proceedings)
September 8-12, 2013     Congress


The congress will focus on “Frontier Technologies in Structural Engineering and Mechanics.” Topics will include (but are not limited to)

ISEM13 (Chairs; CK Choi, Phill-Seung Lee)
The 2013 International Conference on Innovative in Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Bridge Engineering
Composite Materials & Structures
Computational Geomechanics
Computational Mechanics
Computational Technology
Construction Management
Design Code & Design of Structures
Earth Structures
Fatigue/Fracture Mechanics
Fiber Reinforcement
Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks
GIS/Information Technology
Long Span Structures & Cables
Masonry Walls & Structures
Multiscale Multiphysics Mechanics
Non-linear Analysis

Numerical Modeling
Optimum Design of Structures
Pre- & Post- Processing
Safety and Reliability
Shell/Plate/Membrane Structures
Site Characterization
Site Effects and Soil-Structure Interaction
Software Development
Stochastic Analysis
Structural Dynamics
Structural Engineering
Structural Mechanics
Tall Building Structures
Tall Structures & Cooling Towers
Theoretical Geomechanics
Tunneling & Underground Spaces
Vibrations and Controls
Wind Effects on Large Scale Structures
Other Structural Engineering Related Topics


ICSCS13 (Chairs; Brian Uy,  Dennis Lam)
The 2013 International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures

Analytical and Computational Methods
Bucking, Stability and Non-linear Behavior
Beams, Columns, Plates and Shells
Building, Bridges and Space Structures
Composite Construction and Maintenance
Composite Members and Structures
Constructional Steel and Composite Structures
Constructional Steel & Fabrication

Design Codes and Optimum Design
Dynamics and Seismic Design
Infrastructure Projects and Case Studies
Nonferrous Metal Structures
Plasticity, Fatigue and Fracture
Steel-Concrete Composite
Sustainability Concepts in Steel and Composite    Structures 
Vibrations and Controls


CTCS13 (Chairs; Jin Keun Kim, Christian Meyer)
The 2013 International conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures

Automated Design Procedures
Computational Materials Science of Cement Composites
Computational Technologies in Concrete
Concrete Bridges & Buildings
Concrete & RC Structures
Concrete Mix Design
Constitutive Laws
Construction Technologies
Creep and Shrinkage
Durability of Concrete Structures
Dynamic Effects
Fatigue and Damage
Fiber Reinforce of Concrete
Fracture of Concrete

High-Performance Concrete
High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites Hybrid Structures
Impact Loads on Concrete Structures
Modeling of Concrete Structures
Multi-Scale Modeling of Cement Composites
Performance under Extreme Conditions
Prestressed and Precast Concrete
Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Seismic Design of Concrete Structures
Textile Reinforced Concrete
Theology of Cement Composites
Thermo-Mechanics in Concrete
Other Concrete Related Themes


AIMM13 (Chairs; M Cho, David C. Chen)
The 2013 International Conference on Advances in Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics

Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Dislocation Dynamics/Simulation
Floating and Ocean Structures
Fluid-Structure Interactions
Molecular Dynamics/Quantum Simulation
Multi-Physics and Multi-Disciplinary Problems

Multiscale Biomechanics
Multiscale Mechanics
Soil-Structure Interactions
Vehicle-Bridge Interactions
Wind-Induced Vibrations and Control  
Wind-Structure Interactions


ICOSSS13 (Chairs; Fabio Casciati, Chung-Bang Yun,  B.F. Spencer, Jr,  J.T. Kim)
The 2013 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems

Actuators & Actuator Materials
Bio-inspired and Robotic Systems
Electroactive Polymers
Embedded and Self-diagnostic Sensors
Energy Harvesting
Informatics & Networking
Life Cycle Eng. (planning/design/maintenance/ renewal)
MR Fluids and Elastomers
Optical Fiber Sensors

Piezoelectric Materials
Sensors & Sensor Materials
Sensor Networks
Shape Memory Alloys
Smart Materials
Smart Structural Systems
Structural Control
Structural Health Monitoring/Nondestructive Evaluation
Wireless Sensors


ICEAS13 (Chairs; S. Anagnostopoulos, I. Takewaki)
The 2013 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures

Base-Isolated Structures
Capacity Assessment of Structures
Characterization of Strong Ground Motions
Cyber-Infrastructure Tools for Seismic Data   Management
Early Warning and Emergency Response
Experimental Investigations of Seismic Performance of             Structures
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
Lessons Learned from Recent Earthquakes
Linear & Nonlinear Seismic Analysis Methods

Performance-Based Seismic Design
Policies and Technologies for Earthquake Loss   Reduction 
Repair and Strengthening of Historic Structures and   Monuments
Seismic Effects on Infrastructure Systems
Seismic Hazard Assessment
Seismic Protection of lifeline Systems
Seismic Risk Mitigation
Structural Control Methods
Recent Developments in Seismic Codes and Regulations


ICOSE13 (Chair; Y.S. Shin)
The 2013 International Conference on Ocean Systems Engineering

AUV(Autonomous underwater vehicles)
Design and Production
Dynamics of Ocean Structure System
Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Fluid-Structure Interaction
Manned/Unmanned Submersible Robots
Multi-Physics Based Engineering Analysis, Design   and Testing
Ocean Process and Plant
 Ocean Renewable Energy

- Ocean Structures and Structural System
- Offshore Wind Turbine
- Port Engineering
- Reliability and Risk Analysis
ROV(Remotely Operated Vehicles)
Sensors and Ocean Observing Systems
 Ship Motion and Mooring System
 Underwater Acoustics Technologies
 Underwater Explosions, Survivability and Vulnerability


General Program


Day One (Mon)

Day Two (Tue)

Day Three (Wed)

Day Four (Thu)








Onsite Registration



Keynote Lectures

(Personally arranged)


Coffee Break

Mini Symposia

Lunch Time

International Conferences

Coffee Break

International Conferences





Invited/Keynote Lectures

The congress will be composed of the plenary and semi-plenary presentations and concurrent sessions. A number of world renowned scholars will be invited to give keynote lectures at the plenary/semi-plenary sessions on a variety of topics of academic and industrial interests. The list of keynote speakers will be announced later.

 Call for Papers/Submission/Presentation

Those who have interests in the emerging technologies in a wide range of topics of the ASEM13 congress are invited to submit abstracts (approx. 300 words) to the Secretariat of Congress. After acceptance of abstracts, the 4-20 page proceedings papers(single column) should be submitted. Both abstracts and proceeding papers should be submitted through the TeMUS (Techno-Press electronic Manuscript Upload System). Alternatively, authors may submit their papers to any one of Techno-Press journals for possible publication instead of submitting to the conference proceedings.


Detailed instructions to prepare the abstracts and proceeding papers will be available in the Guidelines for Abstract/Paper Submission. (http://asem.cti3.com/Instructions-to-Authors.doc)

Call for Mini Symposium Organizers

Those who are interested in organizing a mini symposium (MS) with papers in the areas of their expertise are invited to organize a mini symposium at the ASEM13. A mini symposium may have a single session or multiple sessions with 5-8 papers each. In case of successful organization, the mini symposium organizer’s paper will be considered as an invited paper and he/she will be provided with a free registration. For Guidelines for Session Organizers, the prospective mini symposium organizers should inquire with the congress Secretariat or visit; (http://asem.cti3.com/ASEM13-Guidelines-for-MS-Organizers.pdf)

Organized Minisymposia 
-       To be announced  


The accepted abstracts of papers presented at the congress will be published in the Volume of Abstracts and the conference papers on CD. Only pre-registered papers (done by paying at least 50% of the registration fee) will be included in the proceedings.  

Journal Version Papers

The congress will be held in association with the Techno-Press Journals of Civil, Mechanical, and Structural Engineering. Authors are encouraged to submit their Journal version papers (normally 14-20 journal pages(single column)) to the relevant Techno Press journals before or after the congress. The journal version papers should be prepared in accordance with the “Instruction to Prepare Manuscript of Techno-Press Journals” Submitted papers will undergo the peer review process and accepted papers will appear in the journal of your choice. 

      -       Structural Engineering & Mechanics
-        Wind and Structures
-        Steel and Composite Structures
-        Smart Structures and Systems
-        Ocean Systems Engineering

      -        Computers and Concrete
-        Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics
-        Geomechanics and Engineering
-        Earthquakes and Structures
-       Coupled Systems Mechanics


 Special Issues of 'Techno-Press Journals'

Those who are interested in organization of the special issues for any of the Techno-Press journals are encouraged to contact the congress secretariat for more details. The submitted papers should be peer reviewed and only those papers accepted will be published. Some successful mini symposium organizers will be invited to serve as a guest editor for the special issue of the journal of their choice. For more information, please contact the congress secretariat. or visit; (http://asem.cti3.com/General-Guidelines-for-Guest-Editor.pdf)

 Fees / Registration/ Cancellation/ Refund

The registration fee for the congress is US$700 if registered on or before May 31, 2013 and US$750 after this date. The registration fee should be paid on or before July 15, 2013. For on-site registration, pre-arrangement should be made. The fee will cover a copy of congress proceedings, admission to technical sessions, welcome reception, lunches, coffee services during session breaks and congress banquet.

If the cancellation in writing (or by e-mail) is received by July 30, 2013 or the submitted paper is not accepted for presentation, the paid registration fee is fully refunded and after that date, a processing fee of US$100 will be deducted. No refunds will be given after July 30, 2013. For the fully registered participants who are not able to attend the conference, a set of proceedings will be sent by surface mail.

Venue & Accommodation


ASEM13 Congress will be held at the International Convention Center Jeju (ICC Jeju) located on the southern coast of Jeju Island of the beautiful ocean view and spectacular mountain view. The excellent conference facilities including function rooms, restaurants, fitness center, tennis courts, jogging track will make the stay in Jeju a most memorable one. For the hotels around the Convention Center (ICC Jeju), the room rates for conference participants will be negotiated and announced later.



International Convention Center Jeju (ICC Jeju)




Jeju’s volcanic island and lava tubes are now inscribed on the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. Being located at the center of Northeast Asia, with unique geographical features, such as mild subtropical climate, with small temperature variation, good weather, beautiful nature in harmony with mountains and sea, and many tourist attractions, Jeju has been listed as a “New Natural Wonder of the World” in a world-wide poll. Jeju has become a world-famous resort island of tourism, recreation as well as meetings and conventions. Also, well established tourist infrastructures, including reasonably priced accommodations, airport, transportation, and IT networks made a Jeju the perfect convention venue. Jeju is connected with many domestic and international airlines through Jeju International Airport, which is accessible in about an hour from any point on the island.





Directly To Jeju:

Jeju is directly accessible from the major cities in Northeast Asia, such as Beijing, Fukuoka, Hong Kong, Nagoya, Osaka, Pudong, Shanghai, Shenyang, Taipei, Tokyo.


To Seoul (Inchon International Airport) -> To Jeju:

Those who are traveling a long distance from America or Europe may come via Inchon International Airport(IIA)-Seoul, which is one of the largest Airport hub in the world. There is no flights from Inchon International Airport to Jeju International Airport except in the early morning and late evening. Participants are advised to come to Gimpo Domestic Airport(Seoul) to fly to Jeju.

To Hotels:

By Airport limousine: Taking Airport Limousine buses(#600) is frequent and more economical way. The bus leaves Jeju International Airport every 15 minutes and the journey takes about 50 minutes. The fair is 3900 (Approx USD3.6). The bus serves from 6:20 am to 10:00 pm. After walking out of the Jeju Air Port Building, you can take the bus numbered ‘600’ in front of Gate No.1 as shown below. 

By taxi: it will take about 40-50min from the airport to the hotel at a cost of about 35,000 (Approx USD30.).


Organization of Congress

 Congress Chair:
Chang-Koon Choi(KAIST)

 Secretary General:
Phill-Seoung Lee(KAIST)

International Advisory Committee


S.A. Anagnostopoulos (Greece)
F. Auricchio (Italy)
P.Z. Bar-Yoseph (Israel)
K.J. Bathe (USA)
A. Benavent-Climent (Spain)
Prof. Pal G. Bergan (Norway)
C.S. Chen (Taiwan)
J.S. Chen (USA)
E. Drioli (Italy)
C.J. Earls (USA)
Prof. Filip C. Filippou (USA)
T. Furukawa (Japan)
L.H. Han (China)
A. Hasegawa (Japan)
A. Ibrahimbegovic (France)
S. Idelsohn (Spain)
Thomas Kang (Korea)
Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (Thailand)
T.  Kant (India)
J.M. Ko (Hong Kong)
P.V. Lade (USA)
P. Ladeveze (France)
Dennis Lam (UK)
H.S. Lee (Korea)

Jong Seh Lee (Korea)
Z. Li (Hong Kong)
W.K. Liu (USA)
Kenneth J. Loh (USA)
Y.C. Loo (UK)
J.P. Lynch (USA)
Nasr M. Ghoniem (USA)
L. Madej (Poland)
P.G. Malerba (Italy)
H.A. Mang (Austria)
C. Meyer (USA)
Akihiro Nakatani (Japan)
J. Ozbolt (Germany)
S. Pietruszczak (Canada)
E. Ramm (Germany)
E. Rank (Germany)
B.F. Spencer, Jr. (USA)
S. Swaddiwudhipong (Singapore)
I. Takewaki (Japan)
Z. Tao (China)
B. Uy (Australia)
N. Vrankovic (Croatia)
Y.B. Yang (Taiwan)
J. Zarka (France)


 Local Organizing Committee

 Chair: Chang-Koon Choi (KAIST)

 Co-chair: Phill-Seung Lee (KAIST)


      Jung- Wuk Hong (KAIST)
Hyungjo Jung (KAIST)
Hyo-Gyoung Kwak (KAIST)
Jin-Keun Kim (KAIST)

      Woojin Lee (KAIST)
Hyun Myung (KAIST)
Hoon Shon (KAIST)       
Chung-Bang Yun (KAIST)




All correspondence should be addressed to :
Secretariat, ASEM13
c/o TP Conference Consultants
P.O. Box 33, Yuseong
Daejeon 305-600, Korea
Tel : +82-42-350-8451, Fax: +82-42-350-8450, E-mail: asem13@kaist.ac.kr