Updated: August 21, 2015


Title: 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM15)

Organized by: Int'l Association of Structural Engineering & Mechanics (IASEM)
                       Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) 

In association with Techno-Press Journals (www.techno-press.org)

Sponsored by: Korea Federation of Science and Technology Societies
Incheon Convention Visitors'  Bureau
                        Korea Tourism Organization

   After the serial success of World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics(ASEM) held in various cities of Korea since 1999, it has been decided that ASEM15 will be held on 25-29 August 2015 at Songdo Convensia in Incheon, Korea. Known as the “Gateway to Korea” and the “Hub of Northeast Asia,” Incheon is a city that is closest to the world with its hub airport and seaport, and aims to become an international business and logistics center.

As the "ASEM15" Congress will combine 8 International Conferences into a single event, it will create an excellent opportunity for the participants to explore a greater variety of topics and the future developments in the allied fields. Thus the Congress will be a premier international forum that brings together academics and practicing engineers to exchange frontier research results and emerging technologies in the broad topics of Structural Engineering and Mechanics. You are cordially invited to attend this interesting event.

The ASEM15 Congress consists of the following eight 2015 International Conferences on:

Innovative Structural Engineering & Mechanics (ISEM) (1999, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2015)- (*Title Changed Slightly)
Steel & Composite Structures (ICSCS) (2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015)
Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures (ICTCS) (2009, 2011, 2013, 2015)
Advances in Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Mechanics (ICMMM)  (2010, 2011, 2013, 2015)
Smart Structures and Systems (ICOSSS)(2011, 2013, 2015)
Earthquakes and Structures (ICEAS)(2011, 2013, 2015)
Ocean System Engineering (ICOSE)(2011, 2013, 2015)
Advances in Computational Design (ICACD15)(2015)

Important Dates

The Congress will be held during 25-29 August, 2015. Other important dates are:

May  11, 2015                     Submission of conference abstracts
July  24, 2015                     Submission of conference papers (*4 options - see "Call for Papers")
July  24, 2015                     Last day for early registration
July  31, 2015                    
Last day for pre-registration (for inclusion of paper in proceedings)
August 25-29, 2015           Congress


The congress will focus on “Frontier Technologies in Structural Engineering and Mechanics.” Topics of Participating Conferences will include (but are not limited to);

ISEM15 (The 2015 International Conference on Innovative Structural Engineering and Mechanics)
Co-chairs: CK
Choi, Phill-Seung Lee(Korea)

- Bio-Mechanics
- Bridge Engineering
- Composite Materials & Structures
- Computational Geomechanics
- Computational Mechanics
- Computational Technology
- Construction Management
- Design Code & Design of Structures
- Earth Structures
- Fatigue/Fracture Mechanics
- Fiber Reinforcement
- Foundations
- Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks
- GIS/Information Technology
- Long Span Structures & Cables
- Masonry Walls & Structures
- Multiscale Multiphysics Mechanics
- Non-linear Analysis

- Numerical Modeling
- Optimum Design of Structures
- Pre- & Post- Processing
- Safety and Reliability
- Shell/Plate/Membrane Structures
- Site Characterization
- Site Effects and Soil-Structure Interaction
- Software Development
- Stochastic Analysis
- Structural Dynamics
- Structural Engineering
- Structural Mechanics
- Tall Building Structures
- Tall Structures & Cooling Towers
- Theoretical Geomechanics
- Tunneling & Underground Spaces
- Vibrations and Controls
- Wind Effects on Large Scale Structures
- Other Structural Engineering Related Topic

Related Techno-Press Journal: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal

ICSCS15 (The 2015 International Conference on Steel and Composite Structures)
Co-chairs: Brian Uy(Australia), Dennis Lam (UK)

- Analytical and Computational Methods
- Bucking, Stability and Non-linear Behavior
- Beams, Columns, Plates and Shells
- Building, Bridges and Space Structures
- Composite Construction and Maintenance
- Composite Members and Structures
- Connections
- Constructional Steel and Composite Structures
- Constructional Steel & Fabrication

- Design Codes and Optimum Design
- Dynamics and Seismic Design
- Infrastructure Projects and Case Studies
- Nonferrous Metal Structures
- Plasticity, Fatigue and Fracture
- Steel-Concrete Composite
- Sustainability Concepts in Steel and Composite    Structures 
- Vibrations and Controls

Related Techno-Press Journal: Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal

ICTCS15 (The 2015 International conference on Computational Technologies in Concrete Structures)
Co-chairs: Jin
Keun Kim(Korea), Stephen Foster(Australia), Andrezej Winnicki(Poland)

- Automated Design Procedures
- Composites
- Computational Materials Science of Cement Composites
- Computational Technologies in Concrete
- Concrete Bridges & Buildings
- Concrete & RC Structures
- Concrete Mix Design
- Constitutive Laws
- Construction Technologies
- Creep and Shrinkage
- Durability of Concrete Structures
- Dynamic Effects
- Fatigue and Damage
- Fiber Reinforce of Concrete
- Fracture of Concrete

- High-Performance Concrete
- High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites - Hybrid Structures
- Impact Loads on Concrete Structures
- Modeling of Concrete Structures
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Cement Composites
- Performance under Extreme Conditions
- Prestressed and Precast Concrete
- Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
- Seismic Design of Concrete Structures
- Textile Reinforced Concrete
- Theology of Cement Composites
- Thermo-Mechanics in Concrete
- Other Concrete Related Themes

Related Techno-Press Journal: Computers and Concrete, An International Journal

ICMMM15 (The 2015 International Conference on Advances in Multi-Scale and  Multi-Physics Mechanics)
Co-chairs: Maenghyo Cho(Korea), David C. Chen(Taiwan)

- Computational Materials Science and Engineering
- Dislocation Dynamics/Simulation
- Floating and Ocean Structures
- Fluid-Structure Interactions
- Molecular Dynamics/Quantum Simulation
- Multi-Physics and Multi-Disciplinary Problems

- Multiscale Biomechanics
- Multiscale Mechanics
- Soil-Structure Interactions
- Vehicle-Bridge Interactions
- Wind-Induced Vibrations and Control  
- Wind-Structure Interactions

Related Techno-Press Journal: Multiscale & Multiphysics Mechanics, An International Journal

ICSSS15 (The 2015 International Conference on Smart Structures and Systems)
Co-chairs: Chung-Bang Yun(Korea),  B.F. Spencer, Jr(USA)

- Actuators & Actuator Materials
- Bio-inspired and Robotic Systems
- Diagnosis/Prognosis
- Electroactive Polymers
- Embedded and Self-diagnostic Sensors
- Energy Harvesting
- Informatics & Networking
- Life Cycle Eng. (planning/design/maintenance/ renewal)
- MR Fluids and Elastomers
- Optical Fiber Sensors

- Piezoelectric Materials
- Sensors & Sensor Materials
- Sensor Networks
- Shape Memory Alloys
- Smart Materials
- Smart Structural Systems
- Structural Control
- Structural Health Monitoring/Nondestructive Evaluation
- Wireless Sensors

Related Techno-Press Journal: Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal

ICEAS15 (The 2015 International Conference on Earthquakes and Structures)
Co-chairs: S. Anagnostopoulos(Greece), Keh-Chyuan Tsai(Taiwan), Han-Seon Lee(Korea)

- Base-Isolated Structures
- Capacity Assessment of Structures
- Characterization of Strong Ground Motions
- Cyber-Infrastructure Tools for Seismic Data   Management
- Early Warning and Emergency Response
- Experimental Investigations of Seismic Performance of   Structures
- Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Lessons Learned from Recent Earthquakes
- Linear & Nonlinear Seismic Analysis Methods

- Performance-Based Seismic Design
- Policies and Technologies for Earthquake Loss   Reduction 
- Repair and Strengthening of Historic Structures and   Monuments
- Seismic Effects on Infrastructure Systems
- Seismic Hazard Assessment
- Seismic Protection of lifeline Systems
- Seismic Risk Mitigation
- Structural Control Methods
- Recent Developments in Seismic Codes and Regulations

Related Techno-Press Journal: Earthquakes and Structures, An International Journal

ICOSE15 (The 2015 International Conference on Ocean Systems Engineering)
Co-chairs: Moo-Hyun Kim(USA), Hyun Chung(Korea)

- AUV(Autonomous underwater vehicles)
- Design and Production
- Dynamics of Ocean Structure System
- Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
- Fluid-Structure Interaction
- Manned/Unmanned Submersible Robots
- Multi-Physics Based Engineering Analysis, Design and Testing
- Ocean Process and Plant
- Ocean Renewable Energy

- Ocean Structures and Structural System
- Offshore Wind Turbine
- Port Engineering
- Reliability and Risk Analysis
- ROV(Remotely Operated Vehicles)
- Sensors and Ocean Observing Systems
- Ship Motion and Mooring System
- Underwater Acoustics Technologies
- Underwater Explosions, Survivability and Vulnerability

Related Techno-Press Journal: Ocean Systems Engineering, An International Journal

ICACD15 (The 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computational Design)
Co-chairs: C.K. Choi(Korea), to be invited

- Computer-Aided Design in Engineering
- Computer graphics and modeling
- Computational Design issues in Architectural, Electronic, Mechanical, etc.
- Computer Aided Manufacturing and Management

- Optimizations with computational Analysis
- Manufacturing Engineering with Computers
- Hunam, Bio and Medical Applications
- Industrial design and Arts wit CAD

Related Techno-Press Journal: Advances in Computational Design, An International Journal

General Program

- Final Program: http://asem.cti3.com/Final_Program.pdf

- Prof. B.F. Spencer, Jr. (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Consequence-Based Management of Railroad Bridge Infrastructure enabled by Structural Health Monitoring

- Prof. Dennis Lam (Univ. of Bradford, UK)
Latest Research and Development in Steel - Concrete Composite Structures in the United Kingdom

- Prof. Brian Uy (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia)
Title: Behaviour and design of connections and elements for demountable and rehabilitated steel and composite structures

- Prof. Stephen Foster (Univ. of New South Wales, Australia)
Insignt from numerical simulation into the causes and risks of fire induced spalling in concrete walls, floors and tunnel linings

- Prof. Keh-Chyuan Tsai (Nat'l Taiwan Univ., Taiwan)
Seismic design, testing and analysis of Steel Plate Shear Walls

- Prof. Phill-Seung Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Towards improving shell and beam finite elements

- Prof. Erik Schlangen (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Multi-scale indentation testing and modeling of quasi-brittle materials

- Prof. Han-Seon Lee (Korea Univ., Korea)
Seismic Design Implications for Low-to-moderate Seismicity Regions from Earthquake Simulation Tests on RC Building Structures in Korea

- Prof. Maenghyo Cho (Seoul Nat'l Univ., Korea)
DFT-MD-CM combined multiscale mechanics on the opto-mechanical behavior of polymer network

- Prof. Haluk Sucuoglu (Middle East Tech. Univ., Turkey)
Title: Fundamental Concepts of Performance Based Earthquake Engineering

- Prof. Hyun Chung (KAIST, Korea)
Title: Novel Ocean System for High Density Mass Production of Seaweed Biomass in Korea


Those who have interests in the emerging technologies in a wide range of topics of ASEM15 Congress are invited to submit one-full-page abstracts to the Secretariat of Congress. After acceptance of abstracts, the 4-20 page proceeding papers(single column) should be submitted. Both abstracts and proceeding papers should be submitted through the TeMUS (Techno-Press electronic Manuscript Upload System).

As the conferences are organized in close cooperation with the Techno-Press Journals, authors may have choices to submit their papers as stated below.

1. Full proceeding paper (4-20 pages)
2. Paper published any Techno-Press Journal (may present without preparing another paper)
3. Paper submitted to/accepted by any Techno-Press Journal (may present without preparing another paper)
4. Others: Pre-arrangement required


Detailed instructions to prepare the abstracts and proceeding papers will be available in the Guidelines for Abstract/Paper Submission. (http://asem.cti3.com/Instructions-to-Authors.doc)

Mini Symposium Organizers 

 Those who are interested in organizing a mini symposium (MS) with papers in the areas of their expertise are invited to organize a mini symposium at the ASEM15. A mini symposium may have a single session or multiple sessions with 6-8 papers each. In case of successful organization, the mini symposium organizer’s paper will be considered as an invited paper and he/she will be granted free registration. For Guidelines for Session Organizers, the prospective mini symposium organizers should inquire with the Congress Secretariat or visit: [General Guidelines for Mini Symposium (MS) Organizers

Organized Minisymposia




MS Title


Alam Md. Mahbub


Fluid-Structure Interactions


Joo Yong Lee


Surface structure development and field application of CO2-EOR


Phill-Seung Lee


Advances in finite element technology


Jin-Gyun Kim


Advances in model reduction method


S. Alexandrov and F. Grechnikov


Design and analysis of thin plates and discs


Jeong-Tae Kim


Advanced Technology for Wind Turbine Support Structure


Vipul Patel and Farhad Aslani


Steel and Composite Structures in Australia


Thomas Kang and Seongwon Hong


Test and Analysis for Seismic, Impact, Blast or Wave Loading


Seong-Tae Yi


Commemorative symposium for Professor Jin-Keun Kim


Nien-Ti Tsou and  Chuin-Shan David Chen


Shape Memory Alloys: Modeling, Experiments and Applications


Shu-Wei Chang and Seunghwa Ryu


Computational mechanics of advanced materials and structures for mechanical and energetic applications


Maenghyo Cho


Multiscale Mechanics in Nanocomposites


Maenghyo Cho


Multiscale and Multiphysics Issue on Smart Materials/Structures


Maenghyo Cho and Taehyoun Kim


ROM in Multiscale, Multiphysics, and Structural Design and Analysis


Kilho Eom


Small-Scale, and Multiscale Biomechanics


Jun Won Kang and Tong Seok Han


Advances in Multi-Scale Modeling of Civil Engineering Systems


Jaewook Lee


Multiphysics Simulation: Modeling, Methods, and Applications


Yi-Qing Ni, Xiao-Wei Ye, Yang Wang and Jun Li


New Development in Structural Health Monitoring


Il-Bum Kwon


Recent developments on Sensing and Energy Harvesting for SHM/NDT


Hyun Myung and Hyung-Jo Jung


Control & Robotics


Hoon Sohn


ICT Bridge Technology for Life-span Extension and Carbon Emission Mitigation


Myoungsu Shin and Keh-Chyuan Tsai


Recent Developments in Seismic Design and Analysis toward Urban Resilience


Nelson Lam and Han-Seon Lee


Recent Developments in seismic torsion design of building structures


Haluk Sucuoglu


Performance-based Earthquake Engineering


Hyun Chung


Blast Hardened Bulkhead


Menglan Duan and Yu Zhang


Subsea systems engineering


Congress Proceeding
The accepted abstracts of papers to be presented at the ASEM15 will be published in the Volume of Abstracts and the conference papers will be delivered on CD-ROM. Only pre-registered papers (done by paying at least 50% of the registration fee by the last day of pre-registration) will be included in the proceedings.

Journal Version Papers
The Congress will be held in association with the Techno-Press Journals of Civil, Mechanical, and Structural Engineering. Authors are encouraged to submit their Journal version papers (normally 14-20 journal pages(single column)) to the relevant Techno-Press Journals before or after the Congress. The journal version papers should be prepared in accordance with: [The instruction to Prepare Manuscript of Techno-Press Journals].

Submitted papers will undergo the peer review process and accepted papers will appear in the journal of your choice.
For more information about Techno-Press Journals:(http://www.techno-press.org)

-       Structural Engineering & Mechanics
-       Wind and Structures
-       Steel and Composite Structures
-       Smart Structures and Systems
-       Ocean Systems Engineering

-        Computers and Concrete
-        Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Mechanics
-        Geomechanics and Engineering
-        Earthquakes and Structures
-        Advances in Computational Design

Special Issue of 'Techno-Press Journals'
Some selected papers will be considered for publication in the  "Conference Special Issue" of Techno-Press journals.  Chairmen of each conference will serve as the guest editor of this issue.

Those who are interested in organizing special issues for the Techno-Press journal of their choice on their own are encouraged to contact the Congress Secretariat for more details. The submitted papers should be peer reviewed under the guest editor’s responsibility and only the accepted papers will be published. If some successful mini symposium organizers at the Conference wish to organize special issue, they will be invited to serve as a guest editor for the special issue of the journal.

For more information, please contact the Congress Secretariat or link: [Guidelines for Guest Editor]

 Fees / Registration/ Cancellation/ Refund

The registration fee for the Congress is US$700 if registered on or before July 24, 2015 and US$750 after that date until the last day of pre-registration(Agust 16, 2015). The registration fee should be paid on or before July 31, 2015 to gurantee the inclusion of the paper in the proceedings. For on-site registration(US$800), pre-arrangement should be made. The fee will cover a copy of congress proceedings, admission to technical sessions, welcome reception, coffee services during session breaks and congress banquet.

  Early registration fee: US$700 (by July 24, 2015)
  Pre-registration fee: US$750 (by August 16, 2015)
  On-site registration fee: US$800   

If the cancellation in writing (or by e-mail) is received by July 13, 2015 or the submitted paper is not accepted for presentation, the paid registration fee is fully refunded and after that date, a processing fee of US$100 will be deducted. No refunds will be given after August 1, 2015. For the fully registered participants who are not able to attend the conference, a set of proceedings will be sent by mail.




ASEM15 Congress will be held at Songdo Convensia in Incheon, Korea (www.songdoconvensia.com). Opened in 2008, Songdo Convensia is a world-class convention center representing the Incheon Metropolitan area.

Located in the newly-developed Songdo International City of Incheon, Convensia boasts easy accessibility (25km from airport, 40km from Seoul), adequate tourism resources, high-quality accommodation and an active support network, meeting all the necessary elements of an excellent convention center. It is also Asia's First LEED-certified 'Green' Convention Center, an environment-friendly building that minimizes the elements that harms the environment and maxmizes the energy efficiency with improved design, construction and operation routines.


All participants to ASEM15 will find accomodation at nearby hotels in Songdo. Our main hotels are Sheraton Incheon Hotel (http://www.sheratonincheon.com) and Orakai Songdo Park Hotel (http://www.orakaihotels.com), which are well-equipped and conveniently located from Songdo Convensia, the conference venue. In case of full occupancy, we will offer a substitue hotel room at a similar price.

(※ USD1=approx. KRW1100)                   

Main Hotels

Room Types & Daily Rates



Incheon Hotel

For Aug. 23-28

Deluxe Double/Twin - KRW 199,650
Club - KRW 242,000
Executive Suite - KRW 338,800
- Room rates are inclusive of tax & service           charge.

- 1 Breakfast included (additional breakfast:
  KRW 24,200, Tax included)

- Walk to Convensia (1 min)
- Subway Line 1
  (Incheon Univ. Station)
- Airport Limousine stops
  (25 mins from airport)


Orakai Songdo Park Hotel

For Aug. 23-28

Deluxe Double/Twin - KRW 132,000
Premier Deluxe Twin - KRW 176,000
Junior Suite - KRW 198,000
- Room rates are inclusive of tax

- 1 breakfast: KRW 19,800 (Tax included)

- Walk to Convensia (5 min)
- Subway Line 1
  (Incheon Univ. Station)
- Airport Limousine stops
  (25 mins from airport)

 Social Events

Please see the attached file for details: [Social Events]

About Incheon

Incheon with population of 2.9 million is one of the 3 major cities of Korea along with Seoul and Busan. It is also rapidly becoming one of the most prominent cities in Northeast Asia, with its role as a major hub in the region. Its Incheon International Airport is connected to 182 major cities in 41 countriesm and is consecutively rated as one of the best airports in the world in number of passengers, customer satisfaction, and freight volume since its opening in 2001.

Throughout its history, Incheon has been at the center of international trade and Korea's modernization. Incheon  has long served as the gateway to Korea, trading with foreign countries since the ancient times, and the opening of Incheon Port in 1883 led Korea to accept Western culture. With the opening of Incheon International Airport in 2001, Incheon has transformed as an international city, exemplified by developing Songdo International City and hosting major international events such as 2002 FIFA World Cup Soccer Games and the 2014 Asian Games.

Songdo International City where Convensia is located, is developed on the reclaimed land of Korea's first Free Economic Zone in Incheon, designed as an advanced international business district. It is an eco-friendly, advanced futuristic city, home to Northeast Asia Trade Tower, hotels, shopping centers, parks, an international school and an international hospital, and 13 international agencies including UN-related agencies. [Songdo Guide Map]


From Incheon Int’l Airport to Songdo Convensia

1) By Airport Bus 

Once you arrive at Incheon International Airport, taking KAL Limousine bus (6707-B) is the most convenient way to come to Songdo. It is safe, economical and offers almost door-to-door service to the conference venue and many hotels in Songdo (The stop for Songdo Convensia is Sheraton Incheon Hotel). The bus leaves from Incheon Int'l Airport every 25~50 minutes and the journey takes about 25~30 minutes. The bus serves from 5:43 am to 10:10 pm and its fare is KRW7,000(Approx. USD 7). 

Stops: Incheon Hyatt Hotel, Orakai Songdo Park Hotel, The Central Park Hotel Songdo, Benikea Songdo Bridge Hotel, Oakwood Premier Incheon, Sheraton Incheon Hotel(Songdo Convensia)

2) By Taxi 

Since the conference venue is not very far from the airport, taking a taxi is not a bad option. It will take about 20 minutes and the fare is about KRW 30,000~40,000(Approx. USD 30~40) depending on the traffic condition.

Organization of Congress

 Congress Chair:
Chang-Koon Choi(KAIST)

 Secretary General:
Phill-Seung Lee(KAIST)

Local Organizing Committee

 Chair: Chang-Koon Choi (KAIST)

 Co-chair: Phill-Seung Lee (KAIST)


      Maenghyo Cho (Seoul Nat'l Univ.)
Jin-Keun Kim (KAIST)
      Hyo-Gyoung Kwak (KAIST)

    Hyun Chung (KAIST) 
Chung-Bang Yun (KAIST)
    Han-Seon Lee (Korea Univ.)

International Advisory Committee


      Dennis Lam (Univ. of Bradford)
Stephen Foster (Univ. of NSW)
      C. S. David Chen (Nat'l Taiwan Univ.)
      B. F. Spencer, Jr. (Univ. of Illinois)
      S.A. Anagnostopoulos
(Univ. of Patras)
      Keh-Chyuan Tsai (Nat'l Taiwan Univ.)
      Moo-Hyun Kim (Texas A&M Univ.)

    Brian Uy (Univ. of NSW)
Andrzej Winnicki (Cracow Univ. of Tech.)
    Shih-Chi Liu (Southeast Univ.)
    Fabio Casciati (Univ. of Pavia)
    Jerome P. Lynch (Univ. of Michigan)
    Pal G. Bergan (Norwegian Univ. of Sci & Tech)



All correspondence should be addressed to:
ASEM15 Secretariat

P.O. Box 33, Yuseong
Daejeon 305-600, Korea
Tel: +82-42-828-7995    Fax: +82-42-828-7997    E-mail: asem15@chol.com